Another thought on Obama's bitter gaffe

Another thought on Obama's bitter gaffe April 12, 2008

I like this ironic photo essay using Obama’s “bitter” words.

But it also reminds me that what Obama said wasn’t that far off from Bill Clinton’s trying to turn the Oklahoma City bombing into a narrative about middle Americans, incapable of thinking for themselves, being urged on to hate America by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

Both, in their way, were implying that middle-class Middle America is populated with easily-swayed, unintelligent rubes.

Slightly O/T, after the OKC bombing Bill Clinton used the words “evil” and “cowards” to describe the bombers/terrorists. And he didn’t get any of the flack for it that Bush did after 9/11.

So…Obama is not saying anything new. Neither did George Bush. Bill Clinton beat them both to it.

Maxed Out Mama has a great and substantive post about Obama and the delusions of some of his supporters.

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