Dem Script: Obama is Forrest Gump!

Dem Script: Obama is Forrest Gump! September 22, 2008

In the film Forrest Gump, anything that mildly-retarded character did well was magnified by the audience’s lowered expectations.

It seems that the Obama camp has decided to go play the Forrest Gump card with Senator Obama; “I’m not a smart mayun…”

Suddenly, there are a flurry of news articles – really, a flurry – come out as if by decree, or it’s just one of those astonishing co-incidences, like when news anchores and pundits all start using the same word; “gravitas,” “paradigm,” “mayor of a small town.” This time the decree (or the big co-incidence) is meant to lower expectations for Obama as he prepares to debate John McCain: Obama is not a stellar debater. Obama, “Mr. Eloquence”, whose Invesco field speech was called “symphonic” by some pundits is very evenly matched against John McCain. John McCain has scored all the advantages for the upcoming debate. Obama may have to provoke McCain to anger in order to win! Obama is an uneven debater. And, Obama camps seeks to lower expectations.

Get that meme out there, fix that narration; tell the nation that Obama is only a so-so debater, and then – if he is mediocre – it is a win. If he is better than mediocre, well, then John McCain must be an absolute dunce, because everyone knows Obama is not much of a debater.

Gotta love triangulation.

Hopefully his handlers won’t “help” Obama by dying him orange, putting him in earth tones and setting him to sighing a lot, but you never know.

All the usual Democrat tricks are coming out this week, so their internal polling must be scaring them. They’re also, as before, going after the gays. They do it every election, like clockwork. Also, the scaring old people about Social Security – right on schedule Obama started doing that last week. Same script, every four years. Remember the cartoon of Bush kicking an old lady down the stairs and stealing her Social Security check?

But this is the first time they’ve played the Forrest Gump strategy. Let’s all sing, shall we? “Lowered expectaaaations!”

From an Ace commenter: These are not the verbs and nouns that I have known!

I just want to know, WHO is he saying, “that’s what I said,” to?

Oh, come on, lighten up! So yer man gets tongue-tied a couple or eighty times. It’s not that bad; you’ll get used to it. Our guy’s been like that for 8 years. And we won’t pester you about it half as much as you did us!

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