Good Friday Linkaround

Good Friday Linkaround April 10, 2009

Christ of St. John of the Cross, Salvatore Dali (via Magnificat Magazine)

I have a little bit on Good Friday below, but here is a link-around.

In L’Aquila, the people who have survived the terrible earthquake are suffering through their own sort of Passion this Good Friday. Pope Benedict has visited, and they have been given a special dispensation to be allowed the comfort of Holy Mass on this day. Deacon Greg has an affecting picture.

Richard John Neuhaus: Your “must read” of the day – Death on a Friday Afternoon:

In the cross we see that of which humanity is capable: self-transcendence in surrender to the Other. All the evidence to the contrary, we are capable of love. The sign of shame and death becomes the sign of cosmic possibility. Here is the axis mundi, the moment upon which all reality turns.

Take the time to read Pope Benedict XVI’s remarkable homily for Holy Thursday – you will be glad you did:

No one can take his life from him: he lays it down by his own free decision. At that hour, he anticipates the crucifixion and resurrection. What is later to be fulfilled, as it were, physically in him, he already accomplishes in anticipation, in the freedom of his love. He gives his life and he takes it again in the resurrection, so as to be able to share it for ever.

No wonder Buster like Benedict; they think alike.

Nice Deb: A very interesting post on new information on the Shroud of Turin

Conversion Diary: Jennifer anticipates the Light

A meditation on the last words of Christ

The hour Glory

Paraclete Press is offering a free download of the chanted Passion Narrative of the Gospel of St. John. Take a listen!

Fr. James Martin has a good reflection:

Yet every day we are called to reenact that Passion–by dying to self. We are called to let go of…anything that keep us from greater freedom to follow Jesus. And by dying to our self we, paradoxically, experience new life.

The Empty Time
in a monastery

Fr. Steve: has Gregorian Chant for today

Patrick O’ Hannigan also has a very good linkfest going.

John Zmirack: A Very Long Lent

Fr. Dwight Longenecker: The Return of Sacrifice

Also, always check back with New Advent for more.

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