Pirates on Holy Saturday

Pirates on Holy Saturday April 11, 2009

A quiet day of sorrow; Christ has left us and descended into the netherworld. We remember this, and go about our preparations for tomorrow with hollow hearts.

Pirates take another vessel: I am trying to eschew politics, but as we pray today, let us offer – along with prayers for others, prayers for our nation, and for our president who seems to be channeling Jimmy Carter’s years. Last seen bowing to the Saudi King and flying a personal pizza chef into Washington to cook for him, is flailing and seems out of his depth and clueless while Somali pirates laugh at our country and basically kidnap with impunity. Hostages everywhere…Can’t Obama just finish his pizza, Pirates? He can only do one thing at a time!

“We are not afraid of the Americans!”: Note, the pirates never touched an America vessel while Bush was president. Stupid Bush would have said, “just sink the pirate boats”, which would be the proper, efficient and meaningful response. Smart Obama can’t figure it out.

Pray. Our president needs help. So do the hostages. And so does our nation.

Some Easter linkage:

You know we are in Easter because the stories about how we’re getting it all wrong are appearing, right on schedule. This time it’s not so bad…we’re just retracing his steps in the wrong direction.

That’s interesting. Maybe if Christian pilgrims correct their path, things will turn right in Jerusalem? I’m kidding, I kid!

Eagle and Elephant has nice pictures with meditations

Deacon Greg has his Easter homily available. Go over and read it; you’ll be moved. And wish him luck chanting the Easter Proclamation!

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