Quiche St. Pierre

Quiche St. Pierre February 22, 2010

“Perhaps it would be a good thing if every Christian, certainly if every priest, could dream once in his life that he were pope, and wake from that nightmare in a sweat of agony.”

— Fr. Ronald Knox

Today being the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, (which, as one wag notes doesn’t look too comfy) I have decided that for supper we will have a salad and some homemade Quiche St. Pierre.

Honoring the Chair of St. Peter with Quiche St. Pierre is something I just made up this afternoon. Because I feel like quiche and need an excuse to make one. So, here it is.

Quiche St. Pierre

4 medium eggs.
1 ½ cups of half-and-half.
1 tablespoon of butter, melted.
6-8 oz crab meat (or more if you like; I like more), shredded.
¾ c Swiss cheese, grated.
¾ c Cheddar cheese, grated.
1 small onion.
¼ c chopped spinach (optional)
1 clove of garlic.
¼ tspn Phillips Seafood Seasoning (or Old Bay).
1 teaspoon of parsley.
Salt and pepper, to taste.
1 prepared 9″ deep pie crust (I have failed too often at pie crust to dare it any further).

Preheat oven to 350°F

Finely chop onion & sauté in a little butter. When onion is nearly translucent, crush garlic in a sieve and stir it in. Remove from heat after a few moments.

In a large bowl, beat eggs and half-and-half thoroughly.

Stir in the crab meat, optional chopped spinach, Swiss cheese and Cheddar cheese.

Add the onion and garlic, seasoning, salt & pepper and combine thoroughly.

Pour into a pie crust.

Bake for 45 minutes or until quiche is set.

Allow to cool for 5 minutes before slicing. I imagine that making this with baby shrimp would be good, also.

Serve with a simple salad, a loaf of french bread, a happy light wine (something like a Pouilly-Fuissé, which won’t overwhelm the crab) and you have a nice little meal on a winter’s night.

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