Holy Hour Reading Recommendations

Holy Hour Reading Recommendations November 30, 2011

Someone asked me if I could recommend a good book for reading during Holy Hour.

Lots of great books, of course, but I am particularly fond of Jesus, Present Before Me: Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P.

Then again, for Adoration, I like to bring my breviary, mostly, as it is a chance to pray an hour (usually Vespers) before the Blessed Sacrament. I also like old-fashioned prayerbooks like this one. They’re kind of comforting and familiar, even if the language is a little stilted.

And of course, The Imitation of Christ. Again, I like this old version by the Confraternity of the Precious Blood — love the older language and the etchings. When I discovered it at around age 13, it became a fast favorite.

And I have heard this is good, but haven’t used it.

Hope that helps!

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