August 21, 2007

While monastic orders and a few active ones tend to receive new postulants and novices individually, many “active” religious orders tend to do so in groups. The end of August or beginning of September is that season when year-old postulants finally are invested in their longed-for habits and veils, and other sisters make their progressions from second-year novices to be simply professed or solemnly professed. A few religious orders have already begun, and these young women are all aglow: Sisters... Read more

August 21, 2007

Really, this is a great bumpersticker. Concise. I have to work on Concise. I actually expressed a similar sentiment a long time ago, when I wrote: …if the big boys of Global Warming aren’t really taking the issue seriously…if they find it so unserious as to allow the issue to be used as a political wedge or a rabble-rousing sound-bite, and that’s all…well, then I don’t have to take it seriously, either. The Global Warming Hysteria Movement, complete with Media... Read more

August 18, 2007

Without going into gross specifics, the single rolling kidney stone from the other day became the beginning of an avalanche – as it were – and somehow the start of a whopper of an infection that got very bad, very quickly. I’m pretty good at enduring pain, but this was unbearable…morphine made me feel human, again. I am home now with cipro and percoset and some other thing they want me to take and am out of it a little... Read more

August 16, 2007

Excuse my silence. I suddenly decided to pass a kidney stone the approximate size and tonnage of my first born. We’ve decided to name it Seymour and we’re looking into Pre-K’s. My Li’l Bro Thom says, “oh, good, now you’ll have company when Buster leaves for college!” Smart ass. Kind of exhausted just now. Will try to post later. Read more

August 14, 2007

For some reason, there is a theme recurring on this blog, not by intention. A while back I wrote this piece, which jumped off of a remark by Hillary Clinton and mused on how a “big” idea like communism can work well when executed in a “small” way but utterly fails on the large scale, mostly because of free will and intention. There is an enormous difference between a few dozen people voluntarily giving up their worldly goods for communal... Read more

August 14, 2007

You Are a Grilled Cheese Sandwich You are a traditional person with very simple tastes. In your opinion, the best things in life are free, easy, and fun. You totally go with the flow. And you enjoy every minute of it! Your best friend: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Your mortal enemy: The Ham Sandwich What Kind of Sandwich Are You? H/T here Read more

August 13, 2007

Tosca is one of my favorite operas, and the evil Baron (and Chief of Police) Scarpia (what a great name for a dark character) is one of the art-form’s most mesmerizing bad boys. This 1998 Amsterdam production is a great one – sets and costumes are minimal, but musically there is some great singing going on. Catherine Malfitano is a robust but not spoiled Foria Tosca and Bryn Terfel, from his entrance in Act 1, wearing a trenchcoat and lusting... Read more

August 10, 2007

As we head toward the 2008 elections, I was thinking it might be fun – from time to time – to look back at the mad partisanship that has been gaining momentum on both sides and destabilizing the nation like a train careening too fast down a mountain and destined for a curvy surprise. Today, a look at one of the finest displays of BDS and the terrible effect it has on its victims: HEY, NY TIMES, PUT DOWN THE... Read more

August 10, 2007

A friend and I were discussing a piece we’d read a long time ago, “A Dispatch from Occupied New York,” written by we-couldn’t-remember-who, during Hillary Clinton’s first race for the Senate in 2000. We googled “Dispatch from Occupied New York” and couldn’t find it. Weird, right? Then we put the same words into and lo and behold, immediate gratification, which is what we all like, isn’t it? Even in 2000, the piece struck me as extreme, and it still... Read more

August 9, 2007

Ah, well…if you’re reading this post, it means my phone/internets are out again and you’re reading an emergency “just to keep you interested and amused” piece I’ve arranged to post automatically in just such a circumstance. Never let it be said I don’t think of you guys! Heard about these possible terrorists? Me neither. It sucks when my computer is down. But then again, Ed Morrissey’s computer hasn’t been down and he’s noting the missing headlines, too. One definition of... Read more

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