December 21, 2006

My post, Sir, that is not quite what I said, contains an error in usage of which two readers have kindly informed me. It seems “begging the question” does not mean what I (and I think many others) have long-believed it to mean. I wrote: For all Boehlert’s angry writing, this fact remains: The AP has reported that multiple mosques were burned down and multiple human beings were burned alive. Within the report, they quoted a source they’ve used often... Read more

December 21, 2006

Spoiled Rotten America: Outrages of Everyday Life, by Larry Milller Comedian/Actor Larry Miller – you might remember him as the obsequious shop manager in Pretty Woman “you are not only a powerful man, but a handsome man…” – has always been a favorite, and he’s got a new book of 17 essays on life in America that is just knocking my socks off. It’s funny, yes, but also very insightful. I don’t know about you, but I spend half my... Read more

December 21, 2006

Regular readers know I generally do not respond to criticisms of this blog by other bloggers – or by anyone, really – I figure people are entitled to their opinions about me, as long as they’re quoting me accurately. So I was not inclined to comment when Mr. Eric Boehlert wrote this column on December 11 in which he took several bloggers to task for daring to question the AP and for (gasp) actually minding the fact that the AP... Read more

December 20, 2006

When I was a little girl, the nightly news was full of young men dying in Vietnam and other young men (usually bearded, long haired “counter-culturalists” wearing the latest trendy “counter-cultural” clothes and listening to the permitted “counter-cultural” music) who were burning their draft cards and chanting “hell no, we won’t go,” into the cameras for the 6 O’ Clock News. I asked my birth-father, a WWII draftee who had served in Okinawa, what the long-haired students were all about,... Read more

December 20, 2006

Fr. James Martin, the Jesuit writer who wrote one of this years several really excellent “Catholic” Books, My Life with the Saints, (the other being Nancy Klein Maguire’s An Infinity of Little Hours – both available thru The Bookshelf), has suggested that maybe the Christians ought to call the Battle for a Christ-centered Christmas as lost, and regroup a bit. Writes Martin: Like many people, I find the Christmas season a blessing and, to be honest, a little bit of... Read more

December 20, 2006

Dear Mr. Moonves, It has come to my sad attention that your CBS Evening News broadcast is limping toward irrelevancy, seemingly mired in third place. To date the Great Katie Experiment of 2006 looks to have come a stinker. A shame. You spent a great deal of money hyping your new anchor, and tweaked the show in interesting – at times commendable – fashion. The experiment with freeSpeech, while fraught with all the division and reactionary angst one can expect... Read more

December 20, 2006

Dear Mr. Moonves, It has come to my sad attention that your CBS Evening News broadcast is limping toward irrelevancy, seemingly mired in third place. To date the Great Katie Experiment of 2006 looks to have come a stinker. A shame. You spent a great deal of money hyping your new anchor, and tweaked the show in interesting – at times commendable – fashion. The experiment with freeSpeech, while fraught with all the division and reactionary angst one can expect... Read more

December 19, 2006

I’m a Ford Mustang! You’re an American classic — fast, strong, and bold. You’re not snobby or pretentious, but you have what it takes to give anyone a run for their money. “Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz. I’m quite happy to be a Mustang. Perfect. H/T Fausta who also has an aphrodisiac or two on her mind. I like the way she thinks. Read more

December 19, 2006

A few days ago, while writing about Will Smith’s new film The Pursuit of Happyness, I also found myself talking about the classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” starring James Stewart. My L’il Bro Thom added his thoughts, and I wanted to share them: It’s a very deceptive movie – froth and cream on top, but bitter and full of bile underneath. I know now why people were so upset when it was colorized in the 80s – it needs to... Read more

December 18, 2006

The Dominican nuns of Summit, New Jersey have made a video of vespers for tonight. Not perfect (they’re very apologetic about that) but perfectly lovely, and I hope they share more of this with us. They sounded like angels to me as they sang the second of what are known as the O Antiphons, which we chant in the last week of Advent, as the antiphon just prior to the chanting of the Magnificat. These antiphons are especially beautiful. They... Read more

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