Women’s History Month Tip #2, Play Date Drinking…

Women’s History Month Tip #2, Play Date Drinking… March 7, 2012

… When you become a mother your world is opened up to children not just your own. You become friends with other mothers. Your child will have friends and participate in extracurricular activities involving other children. In short, you may find yourself surrounded by a bunch of children you did not give birth to. This is perfectly normal, please do not panic. Wiser women before have paved a path that will ensure your survival and help maintain your sanity.

One such survival method is the introduction of Play Date Wines. These are, by the article’s definition, low alcohol wines good for sipping.

My keen Mom Eye* noticed all the recommendations were white wines. For all praticle purposes if you are going to drink around hyperactive children who are drawn to spills like flies are to, you know, then you definitely want to avoid staining liquids like red wine. That’s why I fully endorse Gin and Vodka as part of my daily diet.

What? I have a chart!

*Mom Eye, one of the many super powers a women is bestowed with upon the birth of her children. Mom Eye enables a mother to see behind her, through walls, and what her children are doing three blocks away with that strange neighbor kid who never wears shoes and asks rude and intrusive questions about your housekeeping.

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