Complete and total girly blather…

Complete and total girly blather… May 15, 2012

… Warning: I’m about to get all girly on you. Like cosmetics, hair products, pretty frocks and cute boys girly. You’ve been warned.

Dweej is cute as a bug – which is a weird saying because bugs aren’t cute – and I love her blog. Today she featured her Top 10 Cheap Beauty Products. Two of her favorites are also loved and used by me; Oil of Olay and Cover Girls cheap as heck stick blemish concealer. Although for the life of me I can’t imagine why any girly-girl would want to smell like Lever2000.

Allow me to share with you a few of my favorite cheap-o beauty products;

1- Ponds Cold Cream. I can’t find any other product that hydrates and cleans while making my skin softer and not clogging pores. Also, it’s non-greasy. This is a big plus during muggy summer months.

Excitement not guaranteed. Tea set not included.

2- Witch Hazel. Did you know there are 15 uses for this stuff? Even better you can buy jugs of it for $3-6. I use it in the morning to cool down ruddy spots in my complexion and reduce puffy eyes. It also comes in handy for treating sunburns, bug bites, and poison ivy. Really, any place you have skin inflammation can be treated with witch hazel.

3- Sunscreen. A absolute must for the fair skinned girl. Well, any girl going out in the sun. Sun is bad. Sun gives you wrinkles, cancer, and ruins your hair. Put sunscreen on everywhere… even the tops of your ears if you wear your hair back. And don’t forget your hands either. Age spots and wrinkled hands can give away a women’s age more than a few laugh lines and crow’s feet. For my body I use cheap-o store brand 50+ SPF. For my face I use Oil of Olay with SPF and I make sure to put a lip balm with sunscreen on before applying lipstick. The only thing I am brand specific about is Oil of Olay. Everything else I buy on sale or store special. Penny-pincher rule #1 is to be non-brand specific. Oh, and here’s an article on the best and worst sunscreens for you check out.

4- Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Anti-Frizz Serum. OK, so $10.99 isn’t all that cheap but all you need is a tiny dap of this stuff so it practically lasts forever.

5- Yardley Soap. Like Dweej, I swear by bar soap. Liquid soap doesn’t last as long and is 5xs more expensive than bar soap. I absolutely love love love Yardley soap. They even sell it at the local Dollar General store. I’ve been known to buy 20 bars of their lavender soap at once. It’s a sickness.

Creepy doll not included.

Have I ever told you my obsession for vintage clothing? It’s what happens to rock-a-billy chicks when they grow up. The style matures a bit. Diary of Vintage Girl is my total girly blather indulgence. My favorite thing, besides all the delicious clothes, are her tutorial videos for styling your hair. Her blog is where I learned that a victory roll isn’t a fat roll you gain after successfully completing the Big Eats Challenge.

No tweed was harmed in the making of this photo.

In other news, I sort of have a crush on someone. I know. I’m 35. Are we supposed to still get crushes? Anyway, he’s very quiet, wears tweed, smokes a pipe, and is very gentlemanly and highly well read. And very very Catholic. Naturally, he doesn’t know I exist. Or if he does I’m just the strange girl that keeps staring at him during mass. I see him with a woman who looks more like this…

and less like this…

So I will continue to admire him from afar. To cope, I cut my own bangs last night. It’s this weird compulsive thing I do whenever I get bored or have nothing to write about – cut my own hair. So yeah, right now I look pretty jacked.

To cheer myself up I called the IT department this afternoon and asked the guy “how do you do the thing on the website that does that stuff… you know, the thingy that edits the internet?” Have you ever heard a man’s head explode?

Well, looking on the bright side, maybe my dad will bring me back something nice from his Mediterranean cruise.

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