Provocative Question of the Day: If Jesus came back today the first thing he’d fix is…

Provocative Question of the Day: If Jesus came back today the first thing he’d fix is… November 15, 2011

So, I want to throw out a question and ask for your response.  It assumes some things that are theoretical and so I admit that on the front end.

When Christ comes back, he will set this world to rights… God will become earth’s final king and will be “all in all.”  This will probably be something that happens quite quickly, but let’s pretend that when Jesus returns that it will be a process.  In other words, that he will address issues that prevent his becoming “all in all” one at a time.

So here is the question: If Jesus Came Back Today, What Would Be the First Issue in our World that He’d Address???  What would be the first thing he’d fix?

Try and make your answer as tangible as possible (in other words, to simply say “sin” or “poverty” might be too broad).

So, have fun… and try not to argue too much about this.  Remember, its all theoretical 🙂

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