Markers of a church planting movement #5: Charismatic

Markers of a church planting movement #5: Charismatic June 13, 2013

This is the fifth post in a series exploring the broad vision for our church plant in Seattle. If you want to know more about that project, check out my Church Plant category :-)  For the rest of this specific series, go here.


We want to create spaces for the Holy Spirit to transform lives. Much of the “charismatic” movement often gets a bad reputation because of some of the outrageous expressions that seem counter-productive to mission. Nevertheless, we believe that the power of God is available today. Although we reject the political and cultural baggage of much of the mainstream Pentecostal movement, we believe in the miraculous and long for it within our church communities.

God can speak to people through dreams, visions, pictures, all forms of the prophetic, and words of knowledge; can empower people for acts of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing–even raising the dead; can give the ability to put Jesus on display through signs and wonders; can open up the eyes of some to see the unseen realm of reality; can speak to and through some people using unknown tongues; and can do whatever God pleases to move the mission forward through the people of God.

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