Expressing Life to the Fullest

Expressing Life to the Fullest January 27, 2016

Theme for the Week of January 25:
Individual Expressions of an Infinite Creator

“This One manifests itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by its creation.” – Ernest Holmes

How are you expressing life? Your immediate thought might be that of the struggle of life and not feeling that is “expressive.” When we think of people expressing themselves it’s often through art forms like poetry, music, sculpture or painting. But we have our own unique expressions all the time.

How is that? If you’re willing to do so, ask a few friends or co-workers what kind of person they think you are! We might think our constant attention to pointing out what’s wrong should be appreciated for the good we intend it to be; others could see us as an arrogant fault-finder. Perhaps we strive to help people to have a better life; those we think we are helping might view us as meddling.

Our best intentions are not always received with the same energy with which we carry them out, are they? Perhaps part of the confusion lies within our desire to help others without ever thinking of our own needs. We may have been raised to always think of others first, but in doing so we can begin to harbor resentment, experience burnout and find ourselves doing what we think is right or proper, only to feel constantly like something is

If we are not true to our unique self – our individual abilities and life purpose – we become absorbed by the needs and whims of others around us. Spirit (or God, “the One,” or whatever you want to call it) is never absorbed by its creation. Though there is a unity of all life there are unlimited and unique expressions of that one life.

What is your unique expression of life? There is something you have or something you do that is unique to you and only you. There is an amazing gift wrapped up in this package we call “you.” What are you willing to do to express that gift? How will your gift illuminate the darkness in the world?

If you want to continue the discussion, click on over to the Facebook page for Spirit, Mind and Body Foundation, my Centers for Spiritual Living focus ministry. Starting today we’ll spend a week looking at the various aspects of our unique natures. Come join the party!

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,



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