You Talking to Me?

You Talking to Me? May 18, 2016

How many times have you heard that line in a movie or TV show based in New York City? I lived in Manhattan for nearly two years. No one ever said that to me. Perhaps I’m not that threatening, but then again I talk to most everyone.16 Blog

That’s the standard joke in my family. I can get someone’s full family history, find out their deepest secrets and leave them with a smile on their face and hope for the future – all in 30 seconds or less in the check-out line at a convenience store.

It’s a gift.

Kidding aside, however, people talk to us all the time. If we are to live the global vision of a world that works for everyone we ought to be listening more carefully. Perhaps we don’t like what we’re hearing. Or, maybe we just don’t like the message being delivered by what we consider to be the wrong person.

I know it’s a real ego buster when someone we don’t care for smacks us with the truth about our situation. Ouch. You’ve been there I’m sure. I know I have. We don’t want to admit the truth about why we are in yet another abusive relationship, dead-end job or reoccurring illness, but there we are and the person we least appreciate being in our life is there to deliver the obvious.

What to do? Here’s a couple of ideas:

  • Do NOT react.
  • Deeply. Allow your body and mind to relax.
  • Yeah, I know. It’s really hard sometimes, but just for the moment agree with the person. This defuses any anger or upset on the part of the other person involved, which in turn allows us to relax a bit as well.
  • Forgive yourself. Why? Because if you could be doing any better you would be.
  • Resolve to do better, whatever that looks like for you, understanding that what it might look like is continuing to be a hot mess for a bit longer.
  • Thank the person. No, seriously. Thank them. They are the messenger of Spirit, sent to you to help you. If you’d listened to your inner guidance you wouldn’t be having this experience. So suck it up, Buttercup, and remember to listen next time when your intuition tells you what you should or shouldn’t be doing.
  • Forgive yourself. Again. Sorry, that last bullet point was a bit harsh. But it’s the Truth, so take another deep breath and forgive yourself. You don’t read my work because I’m Glinda the Good Witch, all pink and sparkly. You expect me to be blunt, but I hope you know I still love you. (If it’s any consolation the people I love and respect in my life do the same thing to me … and at the time I usually don’t like it either … I feel your pain.)
  • It’s only going to get better!

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Come join the fun!

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,


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