The Favor

The Favor October 23, 2014

I’ll keep this short.

My son had rehearsal at 6. My friend is going to meet me to hang out, but she can’t get here until 7:30 or so. Anywho, she asked me to pick something up for her from  a store in Hampden, a block or so from the restaurant. The store closes at 7, and she couldn’t get there in time. Of course, I would, of course.

So after dropping my son at rehearsal, I saw a parking spot outside the restaurant (a rare commodity) so I took it, figuring I could walk a couple of blocks to the store in the beautiful, breezy, dusky weather. I walked a few steps and stopped cold outside one of my favorite bookstores:

Atomic Books

because, look, you guys!

The Thirteen Clocks!

The Thirteen Clocks! I realized with horror that NONE OF MY CHILDREN has ever read this book!!! James Thurber, people – that my children hadn’t read him (to my knowledge) was almost as bad as that they didn’t know the music from Fiddler on the Roof.

So, I bought it, natch, and another great book for my niecie-girlie and ordered a book for my nephew-boy.

This is a funny book.
This is a funny book.

Then I walked a few more steps, crossed two streets, and saw this:


It was really pretty.

Then I went to the store to pick up my friends things from this store. Outside the store, a street musician was playing viola. Beautifully. When I came out of the store, I threw a couple of bucks into his case, and then I realized he had just begun playing my favorite, FAVORITE song,

I asked him if I could record him, and he said yes. He even started over again so I could get the whole thing.  (To see the video, click on the “Ashokan Farewell” link below his picture. Because I am an idiot and still don’t know how to properly insert a video into my blog posts. Links?  I can do links.) I was so happy when he finished, I gave him the remaining ten bucks in my wallet. Because random unexpected beautiful music FTW! Best $12 I ever spent.

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.29.59 PM

Ashokan Farewell

And that, my friends, is the way doing someone a favor turned into the most enjoyable, literary, beautiful, musical 20 minutes of my day. I think it’s fair to say that she is the one who did ME the favor.

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