February 23, 2021

Magick is about change. But change is always happening. What sets magick apart is that it is willed change. A magickian makes change happen in the way that they wish — “in conformity with Will,” as Uncle Aleister put it. Read more

February 20, 2021

Rush Limbaugh's angry, nationalistic faux populism paved the way for Trumpism, and I will not miss or mourn him.But we should be careful not to damage our own hearts and minds by celebrating the suffering of a human being. Any human being. Read more

January 20, 2021

As we are dealing with a plague such as some of my ancestors survived, and the desired outcome is health for the body which carries on their legacy, it seems appropriate to do some ancestor work. Read more

January 18, 2021

When fallacies about the ends justifying the means are set aside and we must judge only the means, how do we draw the lines between legitimate protest, civil disobedience, rioting, self-defense, insurrection, and sedition? Read more

December 20, 2020

So as we find ourselves in a darker Yule than usual, remember that you have rescue missions to go on (even if not as dramatic as leaping into a river or engaging in a firefight). Don't give in to despair. Read more

December 17, 2020

This spell uses these stagnation-busting powers on a higher level, to free stuck energy. Can't move on from some emotional trauma? Feeling stuck in a life circumstance? Feel like the flow of your life energy is constricted? This is a spell you can use. Read more

December 10, 2020

This Yuletide season is looking bleak. So what can we do when things suck? Read more

November 10, 2020

Some will offer you a pre-designed, classical system for doing this. That's fine but my taste runs more towards a do-it-yourself, make-it-up-as-you-go-along, improvisational style -- the sort that allows me to trip over magick while taking the dog for a walk. Read more

November 4, 2020

Rather than an 1860s style civil war, I foresee something more like the Irish Troubles: a long, drawn-out, low level social and political conflict spilling over into a cycle of sectarian terrorist violence, a cycle of attacks and reprisals and counter-reprisals and counter-counter-reprisals. Read more

October 29, 2020

Even if the Bread and Roses Party itself is never heard from again after this cycle, it represents an approach which can help inform our work building that replacement, and I'm proud to give it my vote and my endorsement. Read more

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