The Ongoing Jonathan Edwards Renaissance: $3 Book Sale

The Ongoing Jonathan Edwards Renaissance: $3 Book Sale November 11, 2017

JEbeautyWe’re in the midst of a Jonathan Edwards renaissance right now. The landmark Edwards Encyclopedia just launched, Nathan Finn and Jeremy Kimble have a great book out soon, and other projects abound. Doing my humble best to add to the theistic fray, I’ve got two projects coming out next year: a Jonathan Edwards devotional and The Essential Jonathan Edwards (mapping the essential contours of his life and ministry).

But you need not wait until then to visit the vast, thriving world of Edwardseana. In a surprise to yours very truly, the five books of the Essential Edwards Collection (foreword by John Piper) are on sale for a limited time. I had the privilege of cowriting these with elite Edwards scholar Douglas Sweeney of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Each of the following is just $3 (with one exception–the first is $4.51). This is a steal!

Here are the links to each book:

Jonathan Edwards, Lover of God (short bio)

Jonathan Edwards on Beauty

Jonathan Edwards on the Good Life

Jonathan Edwards on True Christianity 

Jonathan Edwards on Heaven & Hell

Seven years after the initial publishing run, these books continue to find an audience, praise God. I have no idea if they’ll reach six figures in total sales, but it’s been encouraging to see them go out as they have.

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