Wonder women?

Wonder women? August 28, 2014

Kate Fowler Harris, executive director of the Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture, has recently released a new book in Barna’s “Frames” series about modern women trying to balance faith, career, and family:

“You can be anything you want, child.” It’s a message of empowerment and it’s beautiful. But, as many of those young girls grew up, a message that was once meant to convey opportunity has begun to feel like a pressure cooker. What once was “You can have it all” has now become “You need to have it all.” You need to have the perfect job, the perfect husband, the perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect play dates and craft nights and date nights and DIY Pinterest projects and #nofilter Instagrams.

What does it mean to be a woman in a world like that? Where does vocation fit into all this? What does a holistic idea of self mean? 

You can read more about it here, and listen to Kate talk about why she wrote the book below.

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