Day 21: 2 Classes in one day, “YIN”

Day 21: 2 Classes in one day, “YIN” August 1, 2013

Yes you read it right, day 21 of 30 straight days of Moksha Yoga, found me ending my night with YIN.  It is a slow, mindful practice that works into your deep tissue.  Woke up at 4:30 am today for a 6 am class, and was inspired to end my night in the Moksha practice of YIN.  I am glad I did. My day was swamped with lots of activities, which is good, but sometimes when I am swamped with activities I forget to take care of myself and honor myself at the end of the night. I am learning how to be gentle with myself, honor my life now, and rest with things, not in a passive way, just in a place of mindfulness.  Many people on this planet are striving for a goal, pushing things, controlling things, and the YIN practice is complete surrender to now. The poses are designed, so you rest in them, and breath deeply.  There were a couple of them we held and I was surprised by the acceptance I had. As the sensations in certain parts of my body were screaming for attention, I brought my breath into them and felt the quiet, surrender of each breath. Following my breath, as it sensually dove into the sensations of the body, it felt like grace diving deep into the ocean.

Emily our teacher was a wonderful guide, reminded us of now, with affirmations, “I breathe in the breath, I breathe out the breath.”  I have had moments lately in my life, where it feels like angels are speaking through people, and there is a wonderful knowing that shines from Emily.  I really felt like in the YIN practice of yoga that it was time to rest, honor, and feel me from the inside out.  Very soothing.  I met some people before class, who were very inspiring to be around, wonderful community of heart centered beings at Moksha.  It feels wonderful to be around uplifting people, who are discovering who they are, I am excited by the possibilities of this new beginning.

YIN practice allowed my walk home to be one of blessings and thanksgiving.  I thought of my parents, and what an honor to move on this path of bigger love and teach each other about love, your support is much appreciated.  To my sister for showing me fierce love, fierce compassion, and to speak up.  To Christine for all the support, friendship, energy, and prayers. To Rose for always shining light on me and the planet. To Candy for her willingness and grace and her walking it. To John for his support no matter what and his new life.  To Liz a constant source of power, big love, and clarity on situations and life.  To Tracy for reading this blog and for our friendship.  To Eric and Rose for being a vessel of learning, and growing as a couple and individuals. To Kristi who works so hard, and shines her light by allowing us on Patheos to shine, by the way you are seen.  To Korena for her healing energy and wonderful soon to be released book.  To Renee may the blessings of life and the good of God light your way. To my daughter Harper, you are my light, my love, and my teacher, I am blessed you decided to come into my life and open me up to my worth, when for so long I felt unworthy.  To Theresa and Matt and Lily may the new baby be blessed and loved.  To Joe at Moksha, thank you for supporting this blog and passing it on, and teaching me in my practice that life is connecting to the breath.  To Melanie, sometimes we come into situations that seem to want us to run back to our comfort, but you are a light and may you keep going forward. Steve Allen thank you for seeing me as a speaker, writer, and friend, blessings on your family.

And finally to each of you who are reading this blog, or have come upon this blog.  I can go on forever with the blessings of people. There is so many.  But may you remember that you make a difference in someone’s life, we all do, and when you give freely without wanting anything, it comes back to you in ways you can hardly ever imagine.  God bless you and your families, partners, friends, and children. We are one.  On to day 22…

  David Matthew Brown-  ordinary and sometimes extraordinary…

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