In the Same-Sex Marriage Coverage, A Rare Example of Balanced Journalism

In the Same-Sex Marriage Coverage, A Rare Example of Balanced Journalism March 22, 2013

It’s been pretty tough for supporters of traditional marriage to be able to get their side of the story covered in the mainstream media. Richard Wolf of USA Today proves to be the exception to the rule, in his story published yesterday.

I’ll get you started here,

“At times, it can seem a lonely battle. Outspent and lately out-hustled by highly organized gay rights organizations, opponents have struggled to get their story out. They’re portrayed as bigots, likened to the racists and sexists of yesteryear. Some have been compared with hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan.

“For men of the cloth such as Roman Catholic Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, nothing could be further from the truth.

“‘Those who believe what every human society since the beginning of the human race has believed about marriage, and is clearly the case from nature itself, will be regarded, and treated, as the next class of bigots,’ he says. ‘That’s untrue, and it’s not kind, and it doesn’t seem to lead to a ‘live and let live’ pluralism.'”

From his new post in San Francisco, a bastion of gay and lesbian activism, Cordileone chairs the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ committee on the defense of marriage. He’s one of the nation’s leading opponents of gay marriage and is buttressed by a diverse crowd:

At the tip of the spear is the National Organization for Marriage, led by Brian Brown, a father of seven who travels the nation speaking at rallies opposing gay marriage. He succeeded Maggie Gallagher, a renowned conservative writer and speaker who warns about “losing American civilization.”

Read the entire piece.

And here is a reminder about the upcoming Marriage March.


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