Five reasons why you should love GMOs

Five reasons why you should love GMOs July 20, 2016


2) GMOs help save the planet

This isn’t hyperbole. As you can see above, GMOs help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of almost 12 million cars per year!  This is consistent with the other study I mentioned before that showed GMOs can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is simply because GMOs can allow us to do more with less!

GMOs help make farming more efficient.  A 2014 report from the UK states that:

GM crops are allowing farmers to grow more without using additional land. If crop biotechnology had not been available to the (17.3 million) farmers using the technology in 2012, maintaining global production levels at the 2012 levels would have required additional plantings of 4.9 million ha of soybeans, 6.9 million ha of corn, 3.1 million ha of cotton and 0.2 million ha of canola. This total area requirement is equivalent to 9% of the arable land in the US, or 24% of the arable land in Brazil or 27% of the cereal area in the EU (28).

Additionally, this study from the National Academy of Sciences, also found that GMOs increases farm productivity while decreasing soil erosion. We can engineer food that requires less resources from our planet! GMOs really do some wonderful things for protecting planet Earth.

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