Top 10 Rejected Slogans For The Jubilee Year Of Mercy

Top 10 Rejected Slogans For The Jubilee Year Of Mercy December 7, 2015


The Jubilee Year of Mercy, called by Pope Francis, officially begins Tuesday, December 8. There’s all sorts of info and background at the official Jubilee of Mercy website.

It’s all rather exciting.

The slogan for the Jubilee is “Merciful Like The Father” (Not a huge fan of the logo – it just looks weird – but that’s neither here nor there). I like the slogan – being created in the image and likeness of God the Father means we must be like Him. Thus, we are to be abundantly merciful. Mercy is the rule, not the exception. Just as we can’t outdo God in generosity, we can’t outdo Him when it comes to mercy. I have a looooong way to go in being as merciful as I ought.

But did you know that countless slogan suggestions and ideas were submitted? Yep – and the AoftheA Vatican Bureau was given unprecedented access to the pile of rejected slogans. Together with the AoftheA Editorial Board, they’ve selected the Top Ten Rejected Slogans for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

(Okay, not really. There is no AoftheA Vatican Bureau. But if there was, they would have asked for the rejects. If there actually were any. And if there were, then these would be the top ten rejected ones.)

10) “Mercy – extra if you say ‘pretty please’.”
9) “Merciful, like a boss!”
8) “I find your lack of mercy disturbing.”
7) “Mercy: it does a body good!”
6) “I gotta fever, and the only prescription is more mercy!”
5) “Mercy – even for you sinners.”
4) “You get some mercy, aaand you get some mercy, aaaand you get some mercy…”
3) “It’s our year long Mercy sale!”
2) “Mercy: you don’t have to mean it. You just have to do it.”
1) “Mercy: I’ll have mine supersized!”

Image source: Emilio Labrador [Creative Commons] via Flickr

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