Telegraph | News | Evangelicals poised to take over the Church

Telegraph | News | Evangelicals poised to take over the Church August 25, 2003

Evangelicals poised to take over the C of E: “Evangelicals, dismissed as a vociferous minority by senior liberals during the Jeffrey John affair, are now poised to take over the Church of England. A new study suggests that, if current trends continue, evangelicals will make up more than half of all Sunday church worshippers in 10 years’ time, up from about a third now.”

The folly of people seriously thinking they can attend church and be vicar’s or Bishops without believing the central tennents of the faith amazes me. I have a number of anglican friends and great respect for a number of the local churches. In the current crisis the not surprising note that there is a massive trend in favour of people who actually believe the bible is encouraging to say the least

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