Tell us your story……

Tell us your story…… November 27, 2005

GospelDrivenLife tells his story of how he became a Reformed charismatic or continuationist :

“My own journey was sparked by Lloyd-Jones on the Spirit of God in his sermons in Romans 8. His historical survey made me see that my anti-Spirit-experience prejudice was the minority position of the Protestant era. J I Packer’s excellent work, Keep in Step with the Spirit, moved me to appreciate the marks of the Spirit in the charismatic world. This was informed by Edwards defense of the Great Awakening and his Relgious Affections. From these I gleaned the clear markers of the Spirit’s activity and found as much evidence of the Spirit’s work among charismatic friends as I ever did among cessationists. When I was honest I also found as much flesh generated weirdness in the cessationist world as I saw in the charismatics.

John Piper played a big role in his sermons on the Kingdom and Power. Then Gordon Fee’s exegesis of key texts in the work of the Spirit drove home by tendency to selective exegesis. I well remember the night at Regent College’s Pastors Conference in 1990 where I scoured my NT for all the references to the Holy Spirit and realzed how I dishonored his work. He is certainly not the quiet member of the Trinity!

There is more. Why not share your own story. I am sharing my own slowly in a serialised form.

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