T4G – The Seriousness of Sin

T4G – The Seriousness of Sin May 4, 2006
Total Truth has some quotes, and one which I think I have included previously is the following on sin:

“The most insignificant sin that has ever been committed would ruin the entire cosmos, for it would mar the perfection that God created to reflect His glory. We steal God’s glory by every sin. We do not grasp the weight of our sin. Until we can bring home the ugliness of sin, Satan has another weapon in his locker.” (Duncan)

This quote really set me thinking. How seriously do we take sin? Not seriously enough clearly! Sin destroys relationships. Sin brings pain in its weight that far outweighs any temporary pleasure. Sin enslaves us to addiction. Sin ruins our lives and leaves us a shadow of what God intends us to be. Sin kills. Sin offends God to the point where He cannot bear to look upon it. Sin threatens the very moral fabric of the universe. The seriousness of sin meant that the most loving being in the universe sent His only Son to die a cruel death. That’s how serious and ugly the smallest sin is!

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