Tamasin Launches Her Own Website!

Tamasin Launches Her Own Website! May 17, 2006
With a bit of help from her dad, here is Tamasin’s Website.

Here is the text of the site, in case it ever changes . . . .

Totally Tamasin
Hi! This is Tamasin here. Welcome to MY website! My cool friend, Finlay, also has a webpage of her own called ChocolateCats3 – go and leave her a message!

My Favorite Jokes
Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because it wanted to crush the cars! … (I made this up and then shouted it out to a whole load of people when I was just seven and everyone laughed!)

Doctor, Doctor! I think I need glasses!
You certainly do, sir, this is a restaurant. (This is really my Dad’s favourite joke. He ALWAYS laughs when we say it!)

Why don’t you see giraffes in pre-school?
Because they are already in high school!

What’s a barbeque?
It’s a line of people dancing like barbies!’ … (I made that one up myself!)

What is a blogger’s favorite meal? (A blog is an online diary.)
Spaghetti Blog-onase! (My mum made this up!)

My Dad’s blog – Posts about me or written by me.

Happy Birthday Tamasin 9 Today!
My ninth birthday.

A Christmas Poem by Tamasin
Here is a Christmas poem that I wrote, and I also performed it in front of my school.
My Whatever the Famous Whatever
Another poem by me! Read it! In my opinion it’s quite funny.
Dad took pictures like this in his boxers. DON’T MISS THIS ONE, WHATEVER YOU DO!
A Warnock Family Joke
What to say when your Dad embarrasses you by telling you he loves you.
My Father the Slouch
See how lazy my dad really is!
My Mum Is
A poem for Mother’s Day.

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