TOAM – Seminars, Worship, and MOBILISE

TOAM – Seminars, Worship, and MOBILISE July 7, 2006

My coverage of this newfrontiers conference has largely omitted whole aspects of the time together. To get a feel for the worship of the conference, live worship CDs have been produced over the years by newfrontiers, including the Stoneliegh Praise albums, but being here is even more potent.

Mobilise is a bit like a parallel track, or conference within a conference, with their own sessions and seminars but they do join us for some of the main meetings.

Seminars and training tracks have largely passed me by this year due to the shingles. The number of practical sessions is overwhelming, and my friends have been giving good reports of all of them. For example, Rob Rufus and Wayne Grudem each did several extra sessions for both age groups.

I will share briefly now from this morning’s prophecy seminar, although I won’t give a lot of detail. John Groves shared a lot of personal experiences, but began his talk with a survey of the biblical evidence for prophecy, which he concluded with a quote from MacDonnell and Montague:

The near ubiquity of prophecy . . . is impressive. No matter how much any given New Testament document may attack false prophecy or seek to regulate charismas, there is not a single instance in which the widespread phenomenon of the prophetic gifts is condemened or even questioned. It is regarded as part of the normal life.

Once John had finished his theological introduction, the rest of the talk was based on his vast experience of the prophetic. John has had several words which have shaped newfrontiers over the decades. His talk gave us examples and wisdom about the use, assessment, and value of prophecy in the church.

I would strongly commend the audio of this seminar, and the rest of the seminars from the conference. The practical help and training are very different from the main sessions, and listening to them will give you things to apply in your home situation.
This is one of a series of posts about Together On A Mission – the newfrontiers conference

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