We Are All Together Now

We Are All Together Now April 5, 2008

Today I have been blessed by an avalanche of birthday wishes via both e-mail and Facebook. These have come from people I have never met in the flesh, people I only met in the flesh because we got talking online, and people who I used to know and regained contact with through the net, as well as some of my offline friends. These people come from all kinds of church backgrounds, and only this Internet could have brought us together.

I don’t think we can underestimate the importance of the Internet in the success seen in recent years of conferences which gather people from such varied backgrounds into one physical place. When attending the conferences, it’s nice to bring people together. Thus, I would like to make the following pleas:

If you or someone you know meet any of the following criteria, please get in touch as mentioned:

  • If you are a blogger or regular reader of my blog and plan to be at New Word Alive next week, or Together On A Mission in July, please drop me an e-mail at adrian.warnock@gmail.com. It would be great to meet up with some of you.
  • If you are British and plan to cross the Atlantic for Together For the Gospel, then let Nathan know as he is trying to organize a meet-up.
  • If you are Canadian, are attending T4G, and haven’t already let Tim Challies know, SHAME on you, and please remedy your error!

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