We must be Easter people

We must be Easter people March 28, 2010

Raised with Christ is what the publishers like to call a ‘mid-level’ book: neither introductory nor full-blown academic. If you are familiar with Adrian’s blog his writing style in RWC will be of no surprise to you – accessible and thought-provoking. Adrian writes not as the expert but fellow-traveller. This is not a book that requires a dictionary in one hand and flask of coffee in the other. Yet it doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the importance of the resurrection.

In the opening sections Adrian surveys some of the factors that might account for our neglect of the resurrection in recent years, takes us through the events surrounding it and provides something of a historical apologetic for belief in the resurrection today. All this is helpful and of interest, but the real value of the book is in the chapters that follow, and which unpack the book’s subtitle – Why the resurrection changes everything. These cover implications of the resurrection for Christian living, revival, prayer, Bible-reading, mission and the physical world . . .

The absence of much literature on this issue means that many will pounce on this book – and so they should. (I’m on my second reading already.) It is an excellent book on a much-neglected subject.

We Christians need to learn again to be Easter people, and Adrian has done us all a great service in producing this book.

via Shibboleth.

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