Last chance to win a free book this month!

Last chance to win a free book this month! August 24, 2011

It’s hard to believe a month has gone by since the last Newsletter. (Truth be told it hasn’t as I wrote and scheduled this post a month ago so I could go on my blog break!) Tomorrow, the second newsletter will be posted and the first few of you to follow the link included in the newsletter will be able to claim your free book! (Limited to one per person)

Please note that the books are only available for people who live in the USA or UK (and in some cases either). Check out which books are going to be available.

It is still not too late to join this month, sign up below and watch your email tomorrow!

We are already gathering a great bunch of giveaways for next month. If you know a Christian marketeer who wants to get involved, please ask them to email We are open to give away other free stuff too!

join our mailing list
* indicates required


// 40) return;
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// ]]>

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