“And God knew” three words that change everything

“And God knew” three words that change everything May 29, 2013

And God heard their groaning . . . God saw the people of Israel-and God knew

I just wanted to share a brief encouragement with you this morning that struck me reading in Exodus today. We do not serve a blind God. We do not serve an ignorant God. Nor do we serve an indifferent God. Whatever pain you are going through today, know this: GOD KNOWS.

When God knows he cares. When God cares he acts. Just as he saved his people from their suffering in Exodus he has acted to save us in Jesus. However long it may seem to take, however hard life may seem to get, you can take comfort from the sure and certain truth: God knows.

God will act to save you. Patiently wait for him. If you have to wait decades, keep trusting. This world is not our home. We can expect difficulties from time to time. But we can take courage form the fact that God is in the business of delivering us.

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