Logos Closing Sale: Last chance to buy before subscription

Logos Closing Sale: Last chance to buy before subscription August 4, 2024

Man with Bible and laptop bag
With your Bible in your hand and with Logos Bible Software on your laptop, you are ready to study God’s Word to guide you on life’s journey. Image: Pixabay

Up to 50% off Logos Bible Software This August

Logos Bible Software is changing. Like many companies before them they are going to move from a model where people buy the software outright to a model where you subscribe instead.  For about the next month only they are offering a massive sale on all their collections. If you would like to buyLogos Bible Software version 10 this sale is your last chance.  In fact if you already own the software then some of the collections will have an even higher discount as you will pay only a dynamically adjusted price for content and features you do not already have.

It is worth pointing out that Logos is a little different to many other software systems in that there are two things you are buying:  the software itself and the books themselves.  Only the software is changing and even on the software side you will not have to pay for features that you already own.

I have  had a Quick Look at what is planned for the new subscription model there are a couple of crucial things to say:

  1. You will never loose your current books and do not need to subscribe to use them or your existing features

  2. The biggest two upgrades that are coming are an AI based enhancement to search, and the ability to create AI summaries of Logos content which includes the references for you to read the original material.

So right now, whether you are interested in the next revolution of AI enhanced Logos Bible Software or not this is a great time to spend some spare money and upgrade your Logos Library.  Those who do will lock in a discount for the paid for subscription.  If you are an early adopted you might be eligible for a free trial of the new subscriptions already.

The links shared in this article are affiliate links which means Logos will reward me for any purchases made.

BUY OR UPGRADE Logos Bible Software here

About Adrian Warnock
Adrian Warnock is a medical doctor. He worked as a psychiatrist and in the pharmaceutical industry on clinical trials. He has been a Christian writer since 2003 and is a published author. Alongside his career Adrian also served on a church leadership team. He was diagnosed with blood cancer in May 2017 and is the founder of Blood Cancer Uncensored an online patient support group. Adrian is passionate about helping people learn to approach suffering with hope and compassion. Adrian qualified in 1995 with an MB BS medical degree from London University (in the USA this would be called an MD). Adrian also has post graduate qualifications in both Psychiatry (MRCPsych) and Pharmaceutical Medicine (MFFM and DipPharmMed). He studied theology through courses organised by Newfrontiers. You can read more about the author here.
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