Entering the Kingdom like a child

Entering the Kingdom like a child January 24, 2016

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“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.””‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What matters at the begining of our walk with God also matters every step of the way. Each day as we come to God, how do we come?

Do we come quietly confident that we have done enough to please him? Or do we come terrified that our ongoing sins have angered him against us? Or do we simply come trusting he is our Father, we are his children, and that our sins or lack of them can never change that?

Do we come demanding him to do what we want? Or do we come asking him what he wants us to do? Do we come fearful? Or do we come confident in him?  Do we come feeling guilty or knowing the joys of sin forgiven?  Do we come through the lens of our complex theological reasoning? Or do we come taking the truth about him at face value?

Do we come imagining ourselves to be mature? Or do we come recognizing we are exactly what Jesus calls us here: children. 

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