Starting Chemo on 11th October

Starting Chemo on 11th October September 29, 2018

Earlier this week I posted about how Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters SO he waited. I believe in a God who heals. I also believe he heals not just miraculously but by doctors and the medicines they develop.

On and off this year I have been sharing the story of my journey with blood cancer.  Now I am about to start the next phase.

So on the 11 October I will be starting chemotherapy with FCR on the Flair study.  Oliver Cromwell used to say to his troops before they went into battle “Trust in God but keep your gunpowder dry”. So this is me keeping my gunpowder dry.  I thought you might like to see this Facebook Live video of me speaking about it:

 Don’t miss the series “Jesus Commands

Jesus said that if you obey him your life will be established on a firm foundation when the storms come.

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Adrian Warnock is author of Raised with Christ (Crossway, 2010) and Hope Reborn (Christian Focus, 2014). He blogs at Patheos and served on the leadership team of Jubilee Church, London. Adrian is a medical doctor and was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in May 2017. He is passionate about helping Christians learn to approach suffering with hope and compassion. Adrian began a series on the commandments of Jesus in January 2018.

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