My favorite Christian authors – Terry Virgo

My favorite Christian authors – Terry Virgo August 29, 2004

Shop at Amazon.comFor more information on Terry Virgo, the leader of newfrontiers follow this link where I have collected a wealth of links from around the web or read my interview with Terry Virgo.

Terry Virgo is a great hero of mine. I have been priviledged enough to meet him, and unlike many of our modern day Christian leaders he is incredibly humble and approachable. Having founded a network of newfrontiers churches that spans the globe he continues to be full of faith about the church.

His autobiography, no well worn paths, is especially well worth a read as is his material on the church and grace. I cannot commend his works higly enough- they are accessible enough for anyone to read but may challenge some of the preconceptions of the most mature Christian. Terry truly is one of the great fathers of the faith alive today.

Why not get ahold of some of his books using the Amazon add below, or alternatively search Amazon UK for his books.

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