April 25, 2024

God’s Word brings his resurrecting power. We live in a society where the value of words has been greatly diminished. We often talk about “mere words.” Actually, words can bring life and death. Words are powerful. They can steal hope away, and they can give it back again. Read more

April 24, 2024

Prayer has been the passion of countless Christians who have been used by God in remarkable ways through the centuries. Yet ordinary Christians like you and me often feel guilty at the mere mention of the word. Read more

April 23, 2024

History teaches us that the greatest need of the church today is a revival. Revival is a wide-scale outworking of Jesus’ resurrection power. Read more

April 22, 2024

Jesus contradicts and rebukes modern Western Culture.  Are his followers today counter cultural enough? 1. Follow your heart Instead Jesus said, “Follow me” (John 8:12). When Jesus tells us to follow him he doesn’t mean to subscribe to his updates on social media.  He commands us to follow only him. MORE 2. Look after your self first Instead Jesus said ”deny yourself, take up your cross” (Luke 9:23). How do we become more like Christ? We submit every area of... Read more

April 21, 2024

Don't let your theology trump the Bible. Arminians and Calvinists have a lot to offer each other. I think they are both wrong on some things but helpful on others. We must accept one another as brothers and sisters who reflect part of God’s glory that we ourselves can’t. Read more

April 19, 2024

Jesus requires an obedience that is not merely external but comes from a transformed heart. He is at work within us causing us to obey him. Read more

April 18, 2024

The response to my series on divorce and Dave Bish’s sermon have been hugely encouraging.  We thought it might be interesting to have a podcast style conversation about it.  I hope this will be helpful for you if you are going through divorce right now, if you did so years ago, or if you would like to learn how to better support others.   What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage and how can Christians help reduce the... Read more

April 17, 2024

If you are a Christian, then you were once were dead to God but are now alive to God thanks to being united with Jesus in his resurrection, often referred to as being born again. He was raised so we could be raised with him. The resurrection of Jesus has life-giving power. Salvation is a miracle caused by the same creative power that conquered the grave. Read more

April 15, 2024

Is a Biblical divorce and remarriage ever possible? Churches must learn how to demonstrate love and grace to everyone who has been hurt by divorce and may wish to remarry. But what does the Bible say? Read more

April 14, 2024

The Bible allows (but does not require) divorce in the case of adultery or desertion, and it also allows remarriage to another person in such cases. Remarriage in these cases is not sin in God’s sight Read more

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