August 22, 2003

Thanks once again to Patrick for some great thought provoking ideas for regular speakers who aspire to improve their performance. Now all I have to do is stop blogging, get some sleep and leave the rest of my sermon I got distracted from to finish tomorrow! keynote speakers – Patrick Dixon: “Keynote speakers grab attention. Keynote speakers have provocative ideas which last. Keynote speakers give people hope and boost morale. Keynote speakers change the lives of those they meet. Keynote... Read more

August 22, 2003

Found this website set up to never forget 911. Somehow the fact that its done in a relatively amateur way, with no attempt to hide the grusome images and photos of the kids that died that day makes it all the more impressive. It seems like yesterday to me and I am a Brit. Read more

August 22, 2003

Gibson’s suffering Christ, straight from the Gr newald altarpiece, burns itself into the imagination, convincing you, with or without faith, that something extraordinary happened that evening on Golgotha. The Passion is a great work of art. The “One of the two glimpses of Gibson in the movie is when you see his hand placing the stake on Christ’s palm thus underlining Gibson’s own guilt, which in Christian theology he shares with all mankind, for the death of Christ. “ Read more

August 22, 2003

According to Joshua he’s not the king of Christian Blogs, Mark Shea’ is. On the note of why blog I love Mark’s comment So That No Thought of Mine, No Matter How Stupid, Should Ever Go Unpublished Again! Mark goes on to have a fantastic thought elsewhere on his site called Catholic and Enjoying It! I’m a techno-idiot but…why don’t people a) keep their anti-virus software up to date and b) not open these phony emails? I’ve not been infected... Read more

August 22, 2003

The Gender Genie Utter nonsense but then it thought I was a girl! Read more

August 22, 2003

Meanwhile Newfrontiers the worldwide family of churches of which I am a part has been challenged to ‘Dare to believe ‘ believe him for a 1000 churches to be planted throughout this whole nation through this movement’ The traditional church is closing churches. New groupings of churches are opening them. The face of the UK church is changing and will never be the same again. Read more

August 22, 2003

Working in the commercial environment this quote from Dr Dixon fascinated me- ‘Don’t believe Market research- it only tells you what people want today, MR never gives vision’ Read more

August 22, 2003

Dr Dixon continues….. The truth about the Iraq war: “The UN will only carry true global moral authority when each nation is able to cast votes in proportion to it’s contribution to global population, so that each citizen is represented equally without fear or favour. But this is an unthinkable prospect. Even an idea of such a global assembly will provoke huge reactions in wealthy nations, because it strikes to the root of the most important unsolved problem on the... Read more

August 22, 2003

Dr Patrick Dixon’s as insightful as he often is about the situation in Iraq. He makes the point that by historical standards the degree of international agreement about Iraq was in fact awesome. He says we already live in a one-world market that is moving closer to political unity not further away…. The truth about the Iraq war: “During the Cold War, any threat of military invasion of a country by Russia or America would have produced in most cases... Read more

August 22, 2003

Dr Patrick Dixon states : “‘All the time we ponder to reflect, science accelerates even further into our uncertainty. At the moment we are dithering. There is moral uncertainty and the future will not stop for moral uncertainty. That kind of thinking is so last century.’ “ Read more

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