March 18, 2014

This has really been a day. I thought I was going to do something completely different with it, but then nothing turned out as planned. I’m not really a big one for planning, and that’s probably one of my biggest shortcomings. I just tend to take the days as they come. I’m sure there are people that think that’s a pretty Zen-like existence, but I assure you, it’s almost totally lazy. Welcome to my life of unproductivity. I’m sitting here... Read more

March 17, 2014

Just a little quickie here to say I’m okay, and the nausea is tolerable, and that I’ll be back tomorrow. Read more

March 15, 2014

After another week that proved to me, yet again, that I have a hard time making sensible life choices, I am happy to say, “Thank God It’s Over.” Cry me a river? Um… yeah, and then some. Hankies in the laundry today. Starting tomorrow, my doctor has decided that I am upping my dose of Lithium, yet again. Bring on the nausea! But it’ll be better soon. It’s worth it. So very worth it. ***** In choir, we’re singing a... Read more

March 10, 2014

It’s not a real good idea to try to write a blog post while you’re cooking bacon. I had planned to write about my delightful recipe for loaded baked potato soup. But since I have to clean a burned pan, I’m going to let it rest until later. I made another package of bacon and the soup turned out delish. (Actually, most of the previous “ruined” batch of bacon was perfectly edible, much to my surprise. Maybe I shouldn’t be... Read more

March 8, 2014

Or, as it’s typically known. PMS. I am the most raging bundle of hormones that has ever been known, but none of my doctors ever believe it. I’m not kidding when I say I was about ready to check myself into the psych ward early this afternoon. I always wonder who will take care of the cat… I threw my phone across the room. Twice. (Thank God that is has this amazing case, or I’m sure it would’ve broken.) Finally,... Read more

March 7, 2014

I don’t have the slightest idea what to write about. But I’m willing. And that’s pretty much the whole point. To show up. Writing is about being willing to show up. For life. There’s been a whole lot of times in my life I wasn’t willing to show up. Some times, you don’t have any choice about showing up (labor and delivery don’t generally happen on a schedule). Other times, I’ve been willing, but I really thought nothing happened. Those... Read more

March 6, 2014

There’s nothing like seeing a metaphor come to life right in front of you to make all the difference in the way you look at things. The day hadn’t started out too well. For some reason (there’s always some reason), I couldn’t get going. I had no real mood-thing going, just a sense of blergh. I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t put my clothes on. Every time I looked at the clock, either one minute had gone by... Read more

March 5, 2014

So, just home from Ash Wednesday service at Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception here in what may easily now be part of the Arctic Circle, Fort Wayne, Indiana. And, because I’m all about hypocrisy, I’m posting a picture of my ash. In today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them, otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.” But you’re not “people” like that. We’re friends! Anyhow, I... Read more

February 28, 2014

Every day, I’m making choices, even when I’d rather not. It’s so easy to just lie in bed and let the day slip away in a haze of endless games on my phone. I rationalize how it’s better than getting mad about so many things on the internet, but that’s a lie. It’s just another choice about how I don’t want to choose to get up. I don’t want to write, I don’t want to put myself out there and... Read more

February 10, 2014

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! Because, you, dear reader, are taking the virgin voyage of the new and improved version of After the Ecstasy, the Laundry… ! I realize it might look exactly the same to you. But just like waking up on the morning of your birthday and realizing you don’t feel any older, it’s going to be a subtle change here, and a subtle change there, until one day, you wake up, stumble into the bathroom,... Read more

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