Patheos Pagan readers and bloggers, I am delighted to be serving you all as the new Managing Editor of the Pagan Channel. Patheos provides an important space for interfaith dialogue between Pagans and other religious practitioners, as well as among our own community. I look forward to great conversations about the role of Paganism in the twenty-first century, particularly as we contemplate the potential advantages and dangers of building infrastructure.
As I’m (ever so slowly) familiarizing myself with the software and back end of Patheos, I’ve also been getting to know our fabulous bloggers and columnists a bit better. Let me highlight some of our most recent offerings:
Kris Bradley’s Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom has great tips for raising Pagan kids, but her writing isn’t just for parents! This week, Mrs. B shares about her interest in American folk magic, including Hoo Doo, Pennsylvania Dutch Pow Wow, and Appalachian Conjure. Read her for a look at Paganism that is grounded in everyday domestic life.
Daughters of Eve is a group blog by Pagan women of color, led with intelligence and grace by Crystal Blanton. Crystal’s professional background in counseling gives her a great deal of insight into Pagan group dynamics, especially around identity, power, and living as an urban witch. Daughters of Eve also recently welcomed contributor Nadirah Adeye, a doula (birth assistant) who also offers classes on sacred and embodied sensuality. Join these articulate women for passionate and personal writing from an African American Pagan viewpoint.
Raise the Horns is the mouthpiece of Jason Mankey, a committed Pagan and devotee of the Horned God. Jason’s interests are omnivorous—his recent posts are on everything from the upcoming presidential election to Tori Amos–but his writing has a refreshing streak of practicality. Check out his discussion of what makes a good seasonal ritual.
In the column Queer I Stand, P. Sufenas Virius Lupus tackles queer spirituality from a Pagan perspective, but that’s not all—in his latest post, Sufenas wades into the debate over whether Paganism is an indigenous religion. Perhaps we’re not indigenous at all, but a Pagan diaspora! Check out this smart column that touches on cultural appropriation and much more.
In Including Paganism, old school scholar Aidan Kelly fills us in on the complex and varied history of our movement. History buffs will find much to consider and debate in Aidan’s detailed writing. Tune in to the latest installment, or loop back to consider his typology of Pagan groups.
Masery’s Staff of Asclepius highlights the unique situation of Pagans with disabilities, but the blog also addresses broader issues of Paganism and health: for example, when and whether to talk to your doctor about your religion. Check out this blog for the nitty-gritty of living out the belief that bodies are sacred.
Last but not least, Gus DiZerega writes Pointedly Pagan, a column that goes delightfully deep into both political and spiritual issues. Gus is a shamanic practitioner (having trained in Brazil) and a Gardnerian elder, and he has been active in interfaith work on behalf of the Pagan community. Read him for juicy insights on the impact of Paganism on American culture.
I also want to say a fond farewell to our bloggers who have recently gone on to independent projects. Jason Pitzl-Waters, Teo Bishop, and Star Foster all have beautiful new sites! All of us at the Pagan Channel wish them well in their new endeavors, and we hope there will be further opportunities for conversation and dialogue with them in the future. Our special gratitude also goes out to Star, whose hard work as Managing Editor built the Patheos Pagan Channel. Blessings to you, Star, and thank you so much for your contributions to our community!
All of the above is just a slice of what’s going on at the Patheos Pagan channel — future posts will highlight our many other excellent contributors. Subscribe to Agora to keep track of me I settle in as editor, follow the channel on Facebook or Twitter, or just sign up for the Patheos Pagan newsletter from the main channel page.