The Busy Witch: Why I Am A Witch

The Busy Witch: Why I Am A Witch April 2, 2013

Patheos is hosting a challenge right now: answer the question “Why I am a…” in 200 words or less.  I’ve decided to answer with a poem.


Why I am a Witch:
Maybe it’s because of my lifelong fascination with mythology.
Or maybe it’s because  Bedknobs and Broomsticks was my favorite childhood movie.
Or maybe it’s because I read The Mists of Avalon at just the right age.
Or maybe it’s because I grew up surrounded by strong women,
and I value my inherent power.

Or maybe it’s because I have a thing for pointy hats…
and cats.

For all the reasons that don’t influence me,
and all the ones that do,
the core answer to why I am a Witch is this:

I believe in magic.

There are a thousand names for magic
and a thousand ways it manifests,
but I firmly believe in magic of all forms,
and I am grateful everyday for this belief.

I am a Witch because magic shapes my worldview.
I am a Witch because there’s so much to believe in.
I am a Witch because I am


Namaste (and Blessed Be!)

More responses from the Pagan Channel: Yvonne AburrowJohn BeckettAine LlewellynAngus McMahanJason  Mankey, Gus diZerega.

The Busy Witch is published on alternate Tuesdays. Follow it via RSS or e-mail!

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