What’s New at Patheos Pagan (Dec 2014)

What’s New at Patheos Pagan (Dec 2014) December 6, 2014

To our readers in the Northern hemisphere, I hope you are thriving under the onset of winter. To our Southern readers as you approach the summer solstice: enjoy the sun!

Since my last update, we’ve added the following blogs and columns:


Nornoriel LokasonDoes the title “Broke-Ass Witchery” appeal to you? On Ride the SpiralNornoriel Lokason shares tales of faith and perseverance from the point of view of a queer, trans, disabled Pagan living below the poverty line. He also continues to write a regular column for Staff of Asclepius: Pagans with Disabilities


Asa West
Building on her well-received Agora column “Jewish Witch,” Asa West has brought her blog archives to Patheos and launched a new project entitled Shekhinah Calling: Reclaiming Witchcraft with a Jewish Twist. She writes: “Shekhinah, a Hebrew word meaning ‘indwelling,’ is known among modern Jews–especially Jewish Pagans and Witches–as the feminine Divine, or the Goddess. Like the Star Goddess of Feri and Reclaiming Witchcraft, Shekhinah is immanent and nondual. You are Shekhinah. I am Shekhinah. Shekhinah is everything around us. We both honor her as the Great Mother who birthed us and live as cells in her body. When the Shekhinah calls me, it’s not the voice of a goddess who’s somewhere far off in space. It’s my own deepest, divine self, seeking to bring me back to my source.”


PGPT_SableAradia175x175Sable Aradia is also integrating her Agora column into a new project: Between the Shadows: The Craft of a Liminal Witch. “Seekers and Guides,” Sable’s biweekly column on teaching the Craft, will continue every other Monday. Why does a witch’s work happen in the liminal spaces? Follow Sable for stories of life, death, and the in-between.


We also bid farewell to Elinor Predota, former editor of A Sense of Place, and Heather O’Brien, author of “Heathen Woman,” who are turning their energies to other projects. We thank them for their substantial contributions and hope we will continue to see them around Patheos Pagan as honored guests.

The Patheos Pagan channel is thriving! Whatever thread of Paganism stirs your heart–whether it’s polytheism, witchcraft, nature spirituality, Goddess worship, humanistic philosophy, animism, or body theology–Patheos Pagan has something for you. To learn more about what we have to offer, check out the landing pagesearch for your favorite topic, or subscribe to the Pagan newsletter.

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