Between Two Worlds: Living in the Liminal

Between Two Worlds: Living in the Liminal February 24, 2023

When people ask me if I’m stuck in the liminal I usually respond by saying, no, I’m living it. According to WikiPedia “liminal is an adjective occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.” 

It can also be a transitional space. Such as the period between the very first light to appear in the morning until sunrise. Or the space between sunset and darkness in the evening. In my way of thinking it’s the space between what is black and what is white. That gray area of life.

I’m living in the liminal. Public domain image by Bertsz via Pixabay.

Our lives can be a little murky at times. Sometimes our actions or thoughts can be well-meaning, but taken in the wrong context. Especially if we’re thinking that we’re totally correct the way we say something or act a certain way. 

A lot of it boils down to the perspective of who’s seeing us or hearing us. For instance I might say “this is the only way something works.” For me it may be entirely accurate. For the person seeing the action or hearing my words, it may be like “well, it’s actually this way”. 

So conflict occurs. Who’s right, who’s wrong. To me it’s that gray area. Is it really true, false, or something in between. In my life experience, it’s usually, but not always, in between. Unfortunately, like politics, there may be two entirely different points of view.

For instance, in a relationship with another person. If there’s no “give and take”, because the parties can’t or won’t agree, that relationship may be permanently broken. I know, because I’ve had it happen in my life. Sometimes it’s being stubborn, or not being willing to give in a little to come to some form of consensus.

There may be two entirely different points of view. Public domain image by Peter Dargatz via Pixabay.

Sounds like the partisan politics in our country happening so much. No compromise at all. My side is right, your side is wrong! I think we all need to give into that gray area. Ask yourself, is it really necessary be always be right? Would it hurt to compromise even a little bit?

A long time ago I said something to a friend of mine at the time. She told me that it seemed to be a lie. My response was does a little “white lie” hurt once in awhile? Did not telling the entire truth save someone from a little grief? Her response was, “it’s either right (black), or wrong (white). There is no in-between.” Period. 

I chose not to respond because arguing would have been futile. In the times we are living in now, especially with all the impatience on social media and people wanting to only acknowledge what they think, my response is to retreat into the liminal. Gather my perspectives on the issues and move forward with calm and direction.

What’s your opinion? Is it black or white, or somewhere in between?

Until next time…somewhere in the future!

About Brianne Raven Wolf
Brianne Ravenwolf has identified as Pagan from a very young age. She is an active member of Circle Sanctuary in Wisconsin. She follows a Hekatean Witchcraft Spiritual path. To relax, she likes to walk, camp and hike as much as possible in very rural areas. You can read more about the author here.
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