July 16, 2014

One of the pieces of advice that came from my father when I was in my teens is that if you’re going to explore Pagan stuff, you need to be twice as sceptical as the muggles. I learned to question everything. Read more

July 15, 2014

One of my very first decisions as a teenage Witch was that robes--at least, the quality of robes I could make myself or afford to buy--weren’t for me. Yet it never felt quite right to do ritual in my street clothes. Read more

July 14, 2014

Family Covens are uniquely posed to understand the desperation of parents in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. The issue of immigration also offers an opportunity for parents to work with their children in a spiritual practice. Read more

July 11, 2014

What is frith? It is more than just "courtesy" or "respect"? Do we extend it to those outside our religious communities? What about our online communities? Read more

July 10, 2014

Corporations are now allowed to claim religious exemptions from federal law. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Read more

July 9, 2014

People who are called to serve are often so focused on serving others that they neglect themselves and their own needs and eventually hit burnout. Avoiding that outcome involves the necessary action of taking care of yourself. Read more

July 7, 2014

Sex magick and sacred sexuality are a traditional part of the Craft, but there are many social and ethical issues around their teaching and practice. In this series, Sable Aradia suggests ideas and solutions for including sacred sexuality in Craft practice. Read more

July 4, 2014

I am an ecstatic monist, and I know there are many like me who are something like "spiritual but not religious" and not quite Wiccan, who are not Neo Goddess Feminist but are living in the lap of the Great Mother. Like me, these men and women are "all Goddess all the time" and are Alone In Her Presence. For us, the ecstatic monist Goddess is the immanent vessel that dwells within each of us and that is us, She that is the totality of everything and nothing. Read more

July 3, 2014

In many traditions, particularly in lines descended from Gardnerian and Alexandrian British Traditional Witchcraft, it is common to assign particular roles split along gendered lines. Gendered polarity was also directly reflected in the ritual itself, with all that dagger-and-cup stuff. Oh what a Great Rite! But from my experience, queer people also make extremely good witches and magicians. So is it really necessary to throw the polarity baby out with the inclusiveness bath water? Read more

July 2, 2014

I’m all too aware that if I put material out under the ‘Druid’ label, I’m not going to reach as many people as if I use the term 'Pagan'. It’s not just a cynical marketing issue, but a question of how useful it is to break things down to their smallest categories. Read more

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