September 17, 2018

Cannabis has been used in spiritual practices around the world for thousands of years. Read more

September 15, 2018

People howled their release into the Circle as I whirled to thrust my hand out toward the lava stone held by one of my Kindred. It was Magic, wild and free, unconstrained by script. Read more

September 13, 2018

Since I was a very young child, I just loved the autumnal equinox, even before I understood what Mabon was all about. Read more

September 11, 2018

Black obsidian is a symbol of transformation, wisdom, experience and survival. It’s been through the worst and come out strong and amazing. If you stumble across some, perhaps it’s telling you that you can too. Read more

September 5, 2018

I might argue that for us to move forward successfully as a spiritual movement we must find a happy balance between the various influences that impact us and that balance must be moderated with discernment. Read more

August 30, 2018

A common misconception by non-Pagans is the comparison of the Pagan concept of the Otherworld and/or Underworld with the Abrahamic concept of Hell, yet these concepts are rather opposite. Read more

August 26, 2018

Few animals are so steeped in mystic lore as the snake or serpent. Simultaneously feared, revered, worshipped and shunned, the snake has an archetypal power over the human psyche that bridges cultures and tunnels back through time. Read more

August 25, 2018

Where will transphobia and transgender violence end? When transgender people are granted complete and affirming access to society at large. Through love towards us as fellow human beings, and through education and respect for all. Read more

August 20, 2018

This is a topic that is often talked about in the Heathen community but rarely spoken of outside of those that are directly heathen. The term is called God-Spousing. Read more

August 18, 2018

Several weeks ago I had a feeling that Hekate was going to ask me to do something. One day later I found out what it was when I was asked to help out a young friend. Read more

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