July 28, 2017

When I dream of a God, somehow in the waking world I receive confirmation. They appear in a dream and then appear in real life through something physical. Read more

July 27, 2017

To make any astrological event work for you, you have to be so very honest with yourself. We cannot expect change otherwise. Take an inventory of your life. Take an inventory of your ghosts. This is what to do for Eclipse season. Read more

July 25, 2017

Sometimes you eat your ancestors because they're up to no good. Too much identity leads to stress. Read more

July 25, 2017

When courage falters, people say, “take heart!” Maybe that seems like a silly way to put it, but there is a deeper meaning to this. Cowardice is not a failure of the mind; it is a failure of the spirit. A person who breaks in panic is truly possessed by fear. Read more

July 22, 2017

Do you set New Moon intentions? There’s a lot of red hot power behind this New Moon and no matter where it’s acting up in your chart, I suggest you take note. This New Moon in Leo can wake you up. Get you unstuck. Read more

July 13, 2017

On how to tackle fear. Not by facing it, but by dissolving your attachment to the very concept of fear. Read more

July 12, 2017

How do we serve the Gods? Socrates’ view is that we can serve the Gods by being helpful or assisting them. We help to fulfill undertakings which benefit humankind. Our relation with the Gods is how we work with them to bring greater peace into the world and in our own lives. Read more

July 12, 2017

Leo is a very “look at me” sign. Real life Leos are known for their pride and warmth and creativity and courage and EGO, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. We all need a little ego. We all need to get up each day. Without a sense of self (Sun), how do we know what to do? We don’t. Read more

July 11, 2017

There’s a spiritual equivalent of standing alone in a forest, in a place where there is no sign of anyone else. You can drink from whatever running stream is nearby and hunt and forage whatever is needed. That is my religious home. Read more

July 7, 2017

This is no ordinary Full Moon. It is, to say the least, jacked. Remember that the moon symbolizes your feelings and what makes you feel safe, and the Full Moon in the sky this weekend will be pushed and prodded by three headstrong planetary energies: Pluto, Jupiter, and Uranus. Read more

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