189: A Methodist Theologian’s Remarkable Catholic Conversion (w/ Dr. Justus Hunter)

189: A Methodist Theologian’s Remarkable Catholic Conversion (w/ Dr. Justus Hunter) January 25, 2023

In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Justus Hunter, a Methodist seminary professor, church historian, and theologian to unpack his family’s remarkable story of Catholic conversion. From an “all in for Jesus” faith background, Justus and his wife, both devout and deeply connected Christians, began to find themselves attracted to the Catholic faith and, following an incredible journey eventually became Catholic.

Justus spins a fantastic tale this week full of ups and downs, miracles, incredible insights, and a healthy dose of Holy Spirit connections to explain what drew his wife, himself, and their family out of a faith tradition they loved into Catholicism – a decision which could’ve easily cost Justus his job, their livelihood, and their faith support network.

It’s a great conversation!

To find and follow Justus Hunter check out his faculty page at United Theological Seminary and his Twitter account.

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