We want to interview you!
As you may already know, I am the Managing Editor at HumanisticPaganism.com. We are starting a new project at HP called “HP Pride”, interviewing members of the Humanistic Paganism community and other like-minded friends. Whether you call yourself an “Atheist Pagan”, “Atheist Witch”, “Pagan Humanist”, “Druid Naturalist”, or none of the above — if you have a love for the myth and ritual of Paganism, but not its supernatural or non-empirical aspects — then we’d like to interview you. One or more interviews will be published every month. If you are not a “Big Name Pagan”, or if you have never written online before, all the better!
Here’s what to do:
1. Indicate what name you want to be identified by. (Especially important if you are not out of the closet about your Paganism.)
2. Answer the questions below. (It’s ok to skip questions if you want.)
2. Limit your responses to each question to about 250 words.
3. Take a picture of you or, if your are shy or concerned about privacy, you can take a picture of something that represents your Paganism. (No internet images please.)
4. Send your responses and your picture to humanistic paganism[at] gmail [dot] com
Interview Questions
- What do you call the religion you practice?
- If you call yourself “Pagan”, what about your religion is “Pagan”? Why do you choose to call yourself “Pagan”? If you don’t call yourself “Pagan”, why not?
- What other words (i.e., humanistic, naturalistic, atheistic, pantheistic, witch, druid, shaman, etc.) do you use to describe your religion and why?
- What is your religion of origin? What religion were you raised with?
- How did you transition to your current religion? Tell us a little about your faith journey.
- What makes your religion a good fit for you?
- How do you practice your religion?
- Do you observe the Wheel of the Year? If so, how?
- Do you believe in or work with “gods” or “deities” or “spirits” in any sense of those words? Why or why not? If so, how?
- Do you believe in or work with “magic” in any sense of the word? Why or why not? If so, how?
- How does your religion affect your daily life or your state of mind?
- Do you interact with theistic Pagans in religious community? Do you share ritual with theistic Pagans? What has been your experience in this regard?
- How do you engage other Pagans online?
- Are you “out of the closet” about your Paganism? To what degree? Why?
- What is the thing you love the most about Paganism?
- What is one thing you would like to change about Paganism or the Pagan community?
- Add your own question and answer it. (Optional)