April 26, 2015

We are not doing enough and we are not moving fast enough to save these kids. We need to protect our children. We need more proactive about creating safe and loving environments for our LGBT kids. Read more

April 25, 2015

To me, there has always been something a little naughty about May in general. Maybe it’s the vestigial memory of the free love of “greenwood marriages”. Maybe it’s because it’s National Masturbation Month. Or maybe it’s because my love for the 1967 film adaptation of “Camelot” in which Vanessa Redgrave sings, “The Lusty Month of May”. Whatever the reason, this Beltane, I wish you “tons of wicked little thoughts” and “divine mistakes”. Read more

April 24, 2015

If Earth Day snuck up on you or passed you by (it was Wednesday), don't feel bad. It happens to a lot of people, even people who care deeply about the environment. If this is you, not to worry, because today is Arbor Day. It's like Earth Day for procrastinators. Here are five things you can do today if you missed Earth Day. Read more

April 22, 2015

In this time of accelerating environmental change, many of us feel a sense of urgency to help transform humanity’s relationship with the Earth.  This sense of urgency is what drew together a large group of diverse Pagans, including Pagan leaders, authors, artists, and bloggers from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia to draft “A Pagan Community Statement on the Environment.”  Read more

April 13, 2015

Working toward a shift in consciousness is not sufficient by itself. But likewise, neither do I believe that changing our economic system will be sufficient by itself. A socialist economic system can be destructive to the ecosystem too, if there is not a corresponding change in consciousness. We must work toward change at all of these levels simultaneously. Read more

April 7, 2015

I don't know if I've ever seen a more beautiful instance of the phenomenon known as a "backfire". Ouch! That must hurt Indiana's Republican supermajority. They hoped to send a message. The message was received and one was sent in return: "Take your bill and shove it!" Read more

April 5, 2015

This Easter, my family and I attended a mass. While it was a Christian service, I could still see the Dying God of Neo-Paganism between the lines and found myself longing for a version of mass with explicitly Pagan language. Read more

April 1, 2015

The purpose of the Pagan Community Statement on the Environment is not to create some kind of Pagan Creed, but to make a statement about what being Pagan means for our relationship to the Earth and to offer our unique perspective on the causes of the environmental disaster we are facing. Which phrasing better accomplishes that purpose? "We are the Earth, the Earth is us." OR "We are of the Earth, and the Earth is part of us."? Read more

March 30, 2015

UPDATE In honor of Earth Day, the statement has been published at ecopagan.com where you can add your signature. The statement represents the beginning of a conversation, not the final word. Join us in our call to all people to rise to this historic moment in order to protect all life on Earth by signing the statement. You can sign on your on behalf or on behalf of a group or organization. I am very pleased to announce that the DRAFT Pagan Community Statement on the Environment is available for a period of... Read more

March 27, 2015

There is a clear discriminatory intent behind Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. While "on its face" the statute is substantially similar to the 1993 federal RFRA, the intent behind the law could not be more different. The intent of Indiana's RFPA is to discriminate against LGBTs, and as such, Indiana's law violates the Fourteenth Amendment's guaranty of equal protection of the laws. Read more

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