June 26, 2015

It is not about us taking care of the Planet which is somehow ours like a garden property outside our house. We are the very Planet. And we need to save ourselves and stop ignoring the facts. The waste, the toxic substances, the pollution, the greenhouse gases: they won’t go away because we pretend they don’t exist. Of all the bad things, ignorance is the worst, I believe. It is ignorance that we need to get rid of. Now. Before it’s too late for us. Read more

June 25, 2015

Jo Carson's book, Celebrate Wildness: Magic, Mirth and Love on the Feraferia Path, is a work of magic. It is as close to an immersive experience as you can get with paper and ink. Reading it is like eating a sumptuous meal. In fact, to say that one "reads" this book does not do justice to experience that is Celebrate Wildness. Celebrate Wildness felt a little like an initiation. Read more

June 24, 2015

While the Pope comes to many right conclusions about anthropogenic climate change and the limits of capitalism, his environmental encyclical is nevertheless plagued by a lingering anthropocentrism which he never manages to root out. Read more

June 22, 2015

[Note: It was initially represented to me by Amy Blackthorn that the Sunday Stew had declined to publish this interview because I missed the deadline. Since then, the editor of the Sunday Stew, Kallan Kennedy, has advised me that she declined to publish the interview because of a post I wrote here at The Allergic Pagan. I’m saddened by the loss of any person’s support for A Pagan Community Statement on the Environment.  I’m surprised that anyone would decide not to support the Statement because... Read more

June 20, 2015

When we light our solstice fire, I will be thinking of shadows. I will be thinking of ruined landscapes. I will be thinking of Hobbits. Little people who took up farm tools and kitchen implements and drove out the shadow of desolation from their homes. Read more

June 19, 2015

Yesterday, the Pope's historic environmental encyclical was published. The document is almost 200 pages long, which means that most of us won't read it, at least not all of it. So here are 12 things Pagans should know about the Pope's environmental encyclical. Read more

June 16, 2015

Without Wicca -- and with the influence of esostericism thorough Wicca -- Neo-Paganism might outwardly look somewhat different, especially to those of us who came to Neo-Paganism through Wicca or who practice a Wiccanate form of Paganism. But in spite of these differences, there would still be a vibrant and growing Neo-Pagan community, with unique ritual forms and a profound theology -- even if Gerald Gardner had never become a witch. Read more

June 14, 2015

While Gerald Gardner's influence on Neo-Paganism was profound, I think there is good reason to believe that Neo-Paganism would have developed more or less along the same lines without him. In order to reach that conclusion, though, we have to take a look at what other influences led to the Neo-Pagan revival. Read more

June 7, 2015

Neo-Paganism has its roots in the 19th century Romantic movement in England and Germany which saw ancient paganism as an ideological and aesthetic counter to the influence of Western modernity and industrialism. Read more

June 4, 2015

"They will continue with the radical feminist agenda until they are actually holding hands with witchcraft and worshipping devils. If anyone is skeptical about feminist Christianity’s links with witchcraft they only have to read the feminist texts themselves." Methinks, the father doth protest too much. Read more

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