25 Years

25 Years December 21, 2020

For those who don’t know, I am way into hip-hop. In fact, I’ve even got a little album coming out in 2021, entitled “Burn It Down.” For those who want a taste of what’s to come, and who can handle strong language, here’s a lyric video I put together for my first track, “25 Years.” It’s about what I think about the church at large, and no, it won’t be appreciated by everyone.

Warning: Lot’s of cuss words. Probably a trigger warning. Do not watch the video unless you can handle strong language.

If you wanna get to know me better, please follow me on social media. I’m pretty active on all platforms:





Also, if you’ve been digging my work on here, and want to see me be able to continue writing as close to full-time as humanly possible, please take a look at my Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mjdistefano. Even $1 a month helps bigly!!!

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